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And a full moon!

31 October 2001
It's Halloween! Time for spooks and witches and stuff!
We start off today with the
Philadelphia Ghost Hunters Alliance.
Harmless product trademark or
the Mark of Satan?
You decide!
Just north of me in Bucks County, PA, is the haunted
Hansell Road.
This one is a little creepy: The mysterious
moving coffins of Barbados'
Chase Vault.
Tonight's full
moon is the first one on Halloween in 46 years. And it's a blue moon.
And it occurs right around midnight.
30 October 2001
Gravity-based game number 1:
"SF Cave," a basic implementation of the
gravity-and-rocket genre. Frenetic and blocky-looking, but addictive. (There is a
mirror of the site here.)
Gravity-based game number 2:
"Among the Clouds," a
beautiful and unhurried game.
29 October 2001
26 October 2001
A small village in Nepal has one telephone and
computers, but it's joining the 21st century.
Mike Ryan
Why settle for a boring this-page-not-found error when you can
play Zork instead?
25 October 2001
On October 10th, Representative Baird put forward an amendment to the
Constitution which would
allow for the appointment
of temporary representatives to Congress if more than a quarter of the membership should
die or become incapacitated. Nice way to calm the nation, Baird. Real smooth.
A guy from Aldan, PA, which is just a couple of miles from my house, received an email
from Saddam
Hussein. I would just like to state, for the record, that the world is getting too
damned bizarre.
This one is for Ivy:
Civilization III
is being released soon!
Mike Ryan
24 October 2001
Heaven help us: the whackos have started thinking that World War 2.5 means
the end times are near.
Nitrogen triiodide explodes when you touch it with a feather. Ice becomes a dangerous bomb.
This and all the other things you learned about as a young and foolish kid (but were never
young and foolish enough to actually try) can be seen among the
chemistry movies
Mike has found.
Mike Ryan
23 October 2001
My father found some fossils which a paleontologist at the
Academy of Natural Sciences
(a kind fellow named Jason) thinks
are the remains of an ancient oyster bed. Now we need to date the fossils, which he
found atop a layer of marl in central New Jersey. Geography links for the NJ area:
Therefore, I think Dad's oysters may be from the late Cretaceous. That would make them
around 70 million years old.
Mars Odyssey
arrives at Mars today. Go NASA, go!
Scientists have found--and I swear I am not making this
up--the most
boring place in England.
What evil lair is complete without
a brain in a jar?
22 October 2001
A week in the life of a
telemarketer. I wonder if Ben
has days like this.
Dear Kids of Afghanistan
proves that irony isn't dead. It's merely aiming in a slightly different direction.
19 October 2001
18 October 2001
17 October 2001
Steven Hawking has been
a lot lately.
Glenn Juskiewicz
Matt wants to know how much higher-level math he has to learn before he can understand
Matt Smith
16 October 2001
Okay. So the President asks for children to send in donations to the White House. And
the Postal Service is watching for odd-looking packages that might contain anthrax. So
this means that there are a lot of odd-looking,
child-created packages
meandering through the postal system headed for the White House to panic the Post Office.
World War 2.5 is too weird for me.
Ghosts and cellphones. Who ya gonna
Glenn Juskiewicz
Rudy Giuliani,
Mayor of New York.
15 October 2001
12 October 2001
11 October 2001
The five-day forecast:
You know that Osama bert Laden thing? It's
The Force is not so clumsy or random as a
Glenn Juskiewicz
The minimum necessary for life:
require only water, heat, and volcanic glass. These three things are present on a
small number of planets and moons in the solar system.
We have found the Springfield Police and Chief Wiggam: Two cops took a
helicopter on a
doughnut run.
Ben Loukota
10 October 2001
Happy birthday to my mother, who I am given to understand is a fashionable 29 years
Puppet government: There are a few
photos on
the newswires
which show
Bert from Sesame Street with Osama bin Laden
on posters being carried in Bangladesh. It looks like someone slapped together a poster
using pictures from the Internet, and just happened to get one of the ones from the old
Bert is Evil site. Or it could be
a really silly Photoshop hoax. You be the judge.
Safety lessons from Anubis.
Mark Sachs
Before you peruse this article on
songs get stuck in our heads, start thinking about some tune that you can hum to yourself
while reading it.
Or, I promise, one of the songs mentioned in the article will get stuck in your brain.
9 October 2001
The cancer grows: Electronics Boutique
buys a large retailer in
France. (Someone should tell the Register that EBUS and EBUK are basically the
same company, owned by a shell company which is traded on NASDAQ as
Information for the non-scientist: We were discussing
entanglement on Sunday.
advertising comes into existence. In Hungary.
Glenn Juskiewicz
Chess is an intellectual exercise that requires
Sue Monroe
I have never watched Politically Incorrect, because its format (get a bunch of
actors onto a stage and have them pronounce their uneducated views on the events of the day)
makes me ill. However, I had wondered what caused the ruckus over the show--a ruckus
which made it all the way up to the President's spokesman. So I
it up. Bill Maher is an idiot; that about sums it up.
A box which may be a
time capsule from
1808 has been unearthed in Dublin.
Glenn Juskiewicz
Here's one for Ivy: Discover which character on
Buffy the
Vampire Slayer you most resemble, through a series of goofy yet...(no, they're just
goofy)...questions. (I would appear to be Buffy. ... ... You guys in the Peanut
Gallery be quiet!)
8 October 2001
A temple from the Persian occupation of Egypt has been
found on the edge
of the Sahara.
Glenn Juskiewicz
and Pakistan, we're understandably jumpy right now, so stop being idiots or we will
smack you in the heads. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. Sincerely,
The Rest of the World.
Peaceful political protest is found
to be legal in Philadelphia, even if it ticks off the Republican National Convention.
Shhhhh! Be vewwy vewwy quiet. I'm hunting
5 October 2001
4 October 2001
3 October 2001
2 October 2001
For Matt: Bob meets the Borg!
In 1998, Douglas Adams gave a
speech in which he discussed
computers, evolution, memetics, and an artificial God.
What if the folks from Slashdot ran Star Trek? One example: "Borg would cite things as being
'offtopic' rather than 'irrelevant'"
1 October 2001
On a clear day, you can see forever.
Strong ethics: Bob Hare spent years studying psychopaths, and invented the
test to indentify criminals who are psychopaths. After many years, he is now on the
warpath to stop the use of his test by politicians and lawyers who bend the test to their
needs rather than using the test as it was designed.
(The Other Side of the Angels)
Dark Cloud
The Frank Lloyd Wrights
Project Apollo