(The Side of the Angels)
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The current time is:

28 September 2001
27 September 2001
26 September 2001
25 September 2001
According to the
NOAA proton flux graph, there's
one heck of a solar flare event going on. (I just like saying "the NOAA proton flux
graph." It sounds like something on Doc Brown's Delorean.) This graph is a link from
the SpaceWeather site, submitted by
Unit 31337.
Mike Ryan
People deal with loss in a lot of strange ways--like seeing
Accidental history: A recording of the Apollo 11 controllers in Houston was labelled
"bad tape"
and lost for over 30 years.
Mike Ryan
24 September 2001
21 September 2001
20 September 2001
19 September 2001
18 September 2001
17 September 2001
14 September 2001
Rogers sums it up: "It's okay to be angry, but it's not okay to hurt."
Mark Sachs details the
arrival of the Star Force on Iscandar.
Mark Sachs
Speaking of ruling the world: Kneel before Zod!
13 September 2001
12 September 2001
NATO has activated
its mutual defense clause for the first time in its history.
The Taliban's latest communique can basically be boiled down to "please don't hurt us!"
It states the Taliban hopes that "sanity will prevail among the American people."
It's too late for that, guys.
The project engineer who built the Twin Towers explains
why they fell.
Scary talk: "'No option has been taken
off the table,' senior U.S. officials said. Asked if that included nuclear weapons, one
senior official said: 'I said no option is out of the question. That’s precisely what
I mean.'"
11 September 2001
10 September 2001
7 September 2001
6 September 2001
We have a new look. Please
Game programmers (hi, Mark!) make a
fair amount of
money. I don't understand the relevance of the "they work 80 hours a week during
four months a year" comment made by the author, though. No networking (or programming)
person I know has a 40-hour work week.
Hi! We're Microsoft! We're so helpful that we'll
take over your browser's error page
with our own search tool! Did we mention we're not using our monopoly power for
This game of cricket
is extremely silly. (Warning: Moderately long load time.)
The Hugo awards have
been announced. The latest Harry Potter book won best novel; an author who is going to
die soon won best novella (sympathy vote!); and Locus won best semi-pro magazine for the
nine millionth year running. Yawn.
5 September 2001
4 September 2001
(The Other Side of the Angels)
Dark Cloud
The Frank Lloyd Wrights
Project Apollo