30 April 2002 ::
The lion's share of this flight will be devoted to the study of the effects of weightlessness on tiny screws
29 April 2002 ::
Not allowed to let sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions
27 April 2002 ::
You must never run from anything immortal; it attracts their attention
Today is my birthday, as well as
the birthday of Ulysses S. Grant--a man who was a failure as president but whom I would
nevertheless not hesitate to invite to dinner, as long as I remembered to visit the liquor
store first.
Because it's my birthday I feel I have license to link to goofy stuff, such as
The $20,000 Zig meme-smashing Flash animation.
Matt Smith and I nearly hurt ourselves laughing at this, which probably says something about
our average level of mentation.
The world needs a film on Jedi safety:
Your Lightsaber and You,
starring Jedi Master Flash and P. Darth Diddy.
Hey, Mark!
An article in The Economist has declared your town is in the most
Congressional district in the country. The article also explains how
Moore's Law and the continuing expansion of computer power have made
gerrymandering simpler and more outrageous.
The gerrymandering in Illinois is thrown into sharp relief by the PDF of
the old
district map, which shows the districts for the most part
running along county borders, except right around Chicago. (The
maps for the old districts are on pages 11 and 12 of the PDF.)
26 April 2002 ::
It's alive—ALIVE! ...I've always wanted to say that.
Family history time! View the family count in the
book for Sessano del Molise, a small town in the Italian province of
Isernia from where part of my family emigrated.
I've only been able to discover one
photo of Sessano del Molise on the Internet
so far. It's quite picturesque.
The One Ring is drawn to power...
So they cut your head open while you're awake and probe around in your brain...
Sound like a torture scene from a bad 1950s sci-fi movie? Nope, it's
awake brain mapping,
a technique which allows brain surgeons to perform tumor removals while minimizing damage
to the surrounding healthy brain tissue.
25 April 2002 ::
Now you'll incur the penalties with the compound interest and the wrath and the truncheons
Grasshopper glaciers, the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences,
and a swarm of locusts 1,800 miles long and 110 miles wide:
the riddle of
the extinction
of the Rocky Mountain locust.
The Welsh site of
is an architectural study built in Wales by the wealthy Bertram Clough Williams-Ellis
in the earlier part of the twentieth century. The town was the location for
the surreal and clever TV show
Noel Tominack
24 April 2002 ::
Where is the secure, undisclosed location where they're keeping Tom DeLay's brain?
Slightly wacky science: David Criswell, a former NASA manager, is trying to get the U.S.
government interested in a $135 billion project to put
solar panels into operation to beam power to the Earth.
Tom DeLay
believes that only Christianity is a valid belief. Of course, his spokesman
later denied DeLay meant that religious pluralism is bad or anything like that--but,
frankly, I suspect that this denial can be regarded as bull.
23 April 2002 ::
Nail file...magnifying glass...come on, where's that dang antimatter ray?
The military is researching
force feedback clothing
which will function using magnets. Two 1.5 meter coils produce a three newton force (equal
to 300 grams pulled by Earth's gravity) in the test device.
22 April 2002 ::
He contemplates the Buddha in his jacuzzi
19 April 2002 ::
Now defunct, but still beautiful
Anyone who has ever been a headset monkey will recognize the characters in
Welcome to the Internet
Help Desk by the Canadian comedy team
Three Dead
Trolls in a Baggie. (Note: When registering for MP3.com, use a bogus email
address. They don't verify the data you supply to them, and they send a billion pieces
of spam mail a week if you use your real address.)
Creativity, ghosts, and God all hide within the nascent science of
magnetic stimulation, if researchers are correct.
General Tso
was a brilliant and brutal 19th century Chinese general. The dish named for him is either
an old Hunan viand or a modern recipe invented in Manhattan in the 1970s.
18 April 2002 ::
This could be a sign that your government is unbalanced, bent, or Italy
Last night I saw the first television show to mention the destruction of the Twin Towers as
an historical event, i.e. something that happened and is completed.
Super Structures of
America: Thinking Big noted that "only once did New Yorkers build something taller than
the Empire State Building," and continued with the comment that with the destruction of
the World Trade Center the ESB is once again the tallest building in New York.
That just doesn't sound right to me.
As senators listened aghast, officials from the Centers for Disease Control,
FBI, FDA, NASA, and National Endowment for the Arts confessed that despite
the safeguards implemented since September, the country remains at
"Mr. Henshaw, like million of Americans, I want to believe my country can
protect me, but also, like millions of Americans, I have a stapler that I
use to fasten important papers," said Lott, holding up a Swingline #545
desktop model. "What if this stapler suddenly turns on me, decides to
attack me, inflicting hundreds of puncture wounds on my person like this
(clack) aaaargghh!! (clack) arrrgghh!! (clack) eowarrrgghh!! so that I bleed
to death?"
17 April 2002 ::
Both books originate in Britain, the British being the biographer-ants of literary entomology
16 April 2002 ::
Leave your eyes open, Meatwad; I wanna horrify you into a coma
A $20 double eagle coin
minted in 1933 is literally the rarest coin in the world. It was never circulated,
and after being stolen from the United States Treasury Department it made its way into
the collection of King Farouk of Egypt. Only
one of this coin exists, and it is worth an estimated six million dollars.
Your education is not complete if you have not read
The Prince. The book is short, lucid, and holds up remarkably well after
half a millennium of sociological advances. I asked for this book for my thirteenth
birthday, and I still remember the odd look my father gave me when I requested it.
15 April 2002 ::
I was working on a flat tax proposal, and I accidentally proved there’s no God
14 April 2002 ::
A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy
A helpful remider to our American readers:
are due tomorrow!
Microsoft is ditching
.NET My Services, a.k.a. Hailstorm because none of their enterprise consumers are
interested in a product which (a) puts Microsoft between their customers and themselves,
(b) involves Microsoft "security," and (c) allows Microsoft to data-mine their hard-won
customer data. I'm starting to reconsider .NET; all the news lately has been negative.
12 April 2002 ::
I created the game, the universe, and my opponent; and yet I'm losing!
11 April 2002 ::
Mad cow disease revealed to be hoax devised by sneaky cattle
10 April 2002 ::
Are all secret brotherhoods this boring?
The Great Coke-In.
"I don't need no megaphone, because, as you know, the megaphone is the tool of the devil!"
The postmodern
colonial empire. Senior serving British diplomat Robert Cooper has been smoking the
wacky tobaccy. Note, for
instance, his bizarre belief that the Europeans were the motivating force behind saving
Kosovo. I seem to remember the US having to bash Europe's diplomatic corps in the face until
it noticed "those bloody foreigners" were having a spot of trouble down in the Balkans.
9 April 2002 ::
Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed
8 April 2002 ::
These babies will be in the stores while he's still grappling with the pickle matrix!
7 April 2002 ::
Charging a man with murder in this place was like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500
6 April 2002 ::
No one who is in favor of eugenics should be allowed to reproduce
Sources for the
New York Times estimate that of the 2.5 billion pounds of clothes that Americans
donate each year, as much as 80 percent gets trucked off to companies that
the donated clothing to poor countries for profit under such categories as
"Premium," "Africa A," Africa B," and "Wiper Rag."
Starbucks has a prepaid coffee
card dealie that allows its customers to
slide some plastic and get a cup of overpriced java. This is great for
Starbucks (increased customer throughput, decreased chance of employee
cash theft) but awful for the counter personnel, who are being
tipped much less than they were in the old, cash-heavy paradigm.
5 April 2002 ::
I met a traveller from an antique land
The online comic strip PvP Online rightly savages conman
John Edward in a series
of cartoons this week.
"Carl Sagan says 'Suck
Mike Ryan
Comet Ikeya-Zhang passes by the
Andromeda Galaxy tonight.
Rameses II ruled Egypt for 67 years. When he
died at the age of 90,
perhaps only a few dozen of his millions of subjects were old enough to remember a time
when the deified king Rameses the Great had not ruled their nation. Rameses ruled for so long
that he had 100 children and outlived at least five sons chosen to succeed him. In 1987,
American archaeologist Kent Weeks used the last dregs of cash in a project to map the
warren of tombs in the Valley of the Kings to unearth an unregarded tomb which had
been overlaid with rubble by Howard Carter when he excavated the tomb of
King Tutankhamun in 1922. This
unremarkable tomb,
King's Valley 5
or KV5,
turned out to be the resting place of the
Lost Princes of Rameses the Great--a
vast underground mausoleum the size of a football field that is as yet only 7% excavated.
The throne name of Rameses the Great was User-maat-re, mangled into
Ozymandias by the
Greeks, and
my very favorite poem
is about him. The original of "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" was
the boasting
"King of Kings am I, Osymandias. If anyone
would know how great I am and where I lie, let him surpass one of my works," noted
as the
on a massive
statue at the
in 60 BC by Diodorus Siculus in a history of
Egypt written a milennium and a half after Rameses' death.
Much of Egyptology requires the
extrapolation of great details
from tiny shards of knowledge.
Be sure to have your hard hat on in
March of 2880
and, more importantly,
this weekend.
4 April 2002 ::
It ticks off the steam bunny behind the espresso machines
3 April 2002 ::
He had that big shiny hypnotism coin from the novelty catalog
It's battle royale between Electronics Boutique US and Electronics Boutique UK with the
soul of the European video game
market up for grabs! (I personally wish a pox upon both their houses.)
Thomas McMullan
The day before I left my last job, I heard a couple of soccer-mom types at a class talking
about phony
corporate painter Thomas
Kinkade. He's had a novel ghostwritten for him. It's apparently awful, just like
his paintings.
2 April 2002 ::
Omnis tuus castra sunt inesse nos
The Cosmopolis
XXI is a descendant of the Soviet Buran shuttle, and is designed to take space tourists
on suborbital flights by 2006.
Jon Acheson
The Social Life of
Paper: Paperless offices are probably going to be impossible until we change our
paradigm for computer interfaces because paper and
computers serve different ways of thinking.
1 April 2002 ::
I'm President of the Council on Foreign Relations and Commander in Chief of our black helicopter forces
(The Side of the Angels)
A Miracle of Science
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